Defence of the small investor

Defence of the small investor

Investing in shares of companies that are listed on the stock market involves a risk of losses given the fluctuations in value which are an inherent part of the nature of the investment. Current legislation is categorical when it comes to protecting investors from the losses caused by imprecise, erroneous or untruthful information about the financial situation of the company or entity in question.

If we have invested in values of a company or entity on the basis of information which is sufficiently inexact to make it impossible to foresee the future evolution of the value of our investment within logical parameters, those are not legitimate losses and we have the right to demand the return of the capital invested. The stock market may be a gamble but it is a gamble with rules that must be respected.

Col·lectiu Ronda acts in defence of the interests of small investors when that duty to provide information and clarity has been breached, as was the case when Bankia was listed on the stock market.

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