Colectivo Ronda


In 1972 the core group of people who founded Colectivo Ronda was formed: Francesc Gallissà Roigé, Josep M. Gasch Riudor, Angelina Hurios Calcerrada, Pep Manté Spà and Jordi Pujol Moix, who were soon joined by Joan Lluís Jornet Forner and David Santacana Mata. They made up the team of people who launched the future cooperative and its values, initially engaged in the defence of labour rights and the struggle against the Franco regime.

At the beginning Colectivo Ronda was fundamentally engaged in advice on labour and social security issues for workers and on countering repression during the dictatorship. Some of those founders thought that when democracy came their work would no longer be necessary. But that was not the case. Instead of disappearing, the task became a reference point for the working classes and is still one today.

With time, the founders promoted new lines, such as legal advice on the rights of individuals and collectives in any aspect of social life, in order to work towards more respectful and decent relations. And so Ronda began to work on aspects that were strictly to do with repression or attacked individual or collective freedoms and others related to criminal, environmental, town-planning, alien and tax law.

Today the founders are still linked to the civic, social and political commitment of Col•lectiu Ronda, disseminating its activity and taking part in events that make it known abroad.