Colectivo Ronda


We are a cooperative of lawyers engaged in providing legal, labour, tax, economic and social advice. We see law as an exercise to build a more supportive world. We are here to provide a ear and a response to those demands and claims that cry out for global justice. There are more than one hundred of us, professionals who believe in people’s rights and work to further the development of fairer and more supportive models.

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For more than 40 years Colectivo Ronda has been engaged in legal, labour, economic and social consultancy, defending the citizens’ individual and collective rights and promoting the development of fairer and more supportive economic models than the ones that are derived from the current socioeconomic order. Our history began with the idea that the coming of democracy would also mean an improvement in workers’ security. As this was not the case, we at the Colectivo Ronda continue to work and broaden our services.

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At Colectivo Ronda we strive to change the relations between people on the basis of respect, dignity and cooperation in the defence of the right to an independent, decent, free life. As an organisation and group of professionals, we share a series of fundamental goals which determine our daily task and the way we understand the practice of law and consultancy for social economy entities.

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Colectivo Ronda is moved by the defence of the citizens’ individual and collective rights and the promotion of fairer and more supportive economic models. Our ideology and philosophy of work respond to those goals and can be summed up in social justice, gender equality, direct democracy and self-management, cooperation and independence. The seriousness and enthusiasm of the specialist professionals who belong to the collective is another of its values.

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In 1972 the core group of people who founded Colectivo Ronda was formed: Francesc Gallissà Roigé, Josep M. Gasch Riudor, Angelina Hurios Calcerrada, Pep Manté Spà and Jordi Pujol Moix, who were soon joined by Joan Lluís Jornet Forner and David Santacana Mata. They made up the team of people who launched the future cooperative and its values, initially engaged in the defence of labour rights and the struggle against the Franco regime.

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Our offices

Colectivo Ronda has its headquarters in Barcelona, but has other offices around Catalonia and one in Madrid. The purpose is to be at hand when needs and cases arise and be close to the clients who require our services.

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Aula Ronda

Aula Ronda, the lecture theatre located at the Barcelona offices, hosts occasional talks and lectures given by members of the cooperative and similar entities on subjects that allow us to look more deeply into aspects of general interest related to the activity of the office. Talks about asbestos, preferred stock, invisible illnesses or victims’ platforms... Aula Ronda is a venue for all kinds of talks and events aimed at analysis and debate about subjects we consider to be of general interest or allow us to look more deeply into aspects related to the different work areas of the office.

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Ronda coopera

Con el objetivo de contribuir a la actividad de colectivos, plataformas y proyectos de base social con los que tenemos o establecemos vínculos, desde Colectivo Ronda destinamos cada año una parte del presupuesto al llamado "Fondo de solidaridad", una partida que se reparte en pequeñas donaciones y colaboraciones a diversas organizaciones o eventos.

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Our experts

At Colectivo Ronda we have over one hundred professionals, some linked with the Law and technical staff specialising in all areas of work (Labour, Health at Work, Legal-Social and Social Economy), and others in the General Services Department, which helps run the cooperative.

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The Social Audit

First and foremost, Col•lectiu Ronda wishes to contribute to improving our society. And so we are trying to make our actions as a whole fully coherent with that principle and we voluntarily submit our work to monitoring by the Social Audit which, by legal imperative, complements the control exercised by the accounts inspector. It is an organ of the internal organisation of Col•lectiu Ronda along with the Assembly, the Governing Council, the management team and the work groups.

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Can Fulló

In 1986, Colectivo Ronda acquired and began to restore Can Fulló, an 18th century country house in the midst of nature, in the Maresme, between Òrrius and Argentona. Since then it has become the collective’s ancestral home, a space for work and leisure where all kinds of activities take place.

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Balance social

Como cooperativa comprometida con un conjunto de valores éticos emparentados con la economía social y solidaria y como organización socia de la XES, Colectivo Ronda hace cada año el Balance Social, la herramienta que evalúa de forma sistemática, objetiva y periódica seis grandes características de toda empresa o entidad que desee ser socialmente responsable: la democracia, la igualdad, el compromiso ambiental, el compromiso social, la calidad laboral y la calidad profesional.

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